Exploring more of the world, full time since 2018, Tim and Kelsey of DirtSunrise now SaltySunrise have embodied the explmore mantra in a truly authentic way. They find themselves drawn to routes less travelled and embrace chance encounters with the beautiful cultures and people of the globe.
Having explored first on land across North, Central, and South America before heading to Europe they now find themselves on the open water ways. As experienced off-road driving and recovery instructors, they come well prepared to tackle any challenges both on land and at sea. Their inherent curiosity and natural empathy towards others, provides them with countless opportunities to engage with both locals and fellow travelers.
They choose to explore more of this beautiful world to broaden their perspectives, build strong relationships with others, and to seize experiences not otherwise found in their daily life before.
We are proud to have them represent the explmore mantra!
Read more about Tim and Kelsey's story or check out the quick links to their various channels.