Dani and Mana (souldope_overlanding)

Today's Explorers

An interview with

An interview with

Dani and Mana (souldope_overlanding)

March 18, 2025
min read
Charles Forman

Where are you from?

Dani is from Switzerland, Mana is from Hungary 

When did you start your interest in exploration?

Mana: since I was a kid I have been always playing outside- riding horses, climbing trees and digging in the dirt like I prepared myself for this big adventure which (hopefully) never gonna end 

Dani: The mountains were calling me in my youth but the real exploration began with our rigs shipping to Mexico.

What is a brief understanding of your background story up until you started seeking adventure?

Mana: I had a lot of energy as a child so my parents put me in every workshop to learn all skills. Horseriding, snowboarding, swimming and bike racing were my favorite activities- better to say: my lifestyle .

Dani: in love with the Swiss mountains I was in every free second on the slopes or sleds of the hills- snowboarding or MTBing - anything for touring in the white.

What special skills do you have to help with your explorations?

Dani: I have an understanding of moving parts but happy to learn more and solve new problems and learn from the mistakes 

Mana: I have a compass in my head. 10+ years as a bike messenger is easy for me to find the right direction. 

We are both trained (physically and mentally) so going for a more days adventure away from civilization is not frightening. We can dig out our rig. 

Where have you explored so far?

After we visited nearly every European Country (Dani as a competitor of dynamic shooting championship and Mana as a bike messenger) it was time to go further: We travelled now through from Mexico to Panama and back to the States nearly in 3 years. We like to be in one place and enjoy every aspect of the journey 

What is a brief understanding of your adventures so far?

We have a saying: „overlanding is not for the lazy“ We are not afraid to put some work in it just to explore a little bit further as usual. Training 5-6 days is important to us - sometimes there is no option for rescue just our muscles and work to help us out. Air down, put the winch out, engaging gears or climbing up to spot is what we really like and looking for. Ofc there are easy days- just chill but everything in balance is very important.

What are the top three destinations you hope to explore next, and why?

We are in love with Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. We will definitely be back after visiting the National Parks of the States.

Where would you recommend others visit?

Mexico: huh, Teotihucan and all the ruins explicitly on the border of Guatemala x Mex, Siian Khan, Cenotes

Guatemala: Antigua, Atitlan, Acatenango, Pacaya Ride, Tikal, El Naranjo, Semuc Champey

El Salvador: the Ex Teleferico to camp in San Salvador, St Ana Vulcano, Ilopango, El Ilfernillo, Miradores del Pacifico, La Penita

Honduras: Cusuco NP, Coluteca La Penita, Comayagva Hot Pools (out of the city)

How do you primarily travel on your adventures today?

We have a Toyota Landcruiser 200 modified on 35‘ tires with heavy suspension for 4,2 tons from 2011. We have a full sized bed inside with 80 liters of water tank, 15 liters fridge and behind the tailgate a two drawer system with kitchen utensils underneath the roundabout awning.

What are five pieces of equipment that you always travel with?

Our hipbags are equipped for a spontaneous overnight on nearly every occasion. like my father said: In the summer you should have your water with you and in the winter don’t forget your coat. (:

What inspires you to explore more?

We just wanna know, feel and see it for ourselves and not just hear it from XY (media, friends, etc) so we become more and better.

How do you engage with others?

We have our instagram and polarsteps but trying to be more present (so it happens that I don’t post for weeks).

Why is it important to embrace global cultures?

We became more. It is important for personal development- not just judging the book by cover. 

What are your goals when you explore?

BE there. In the moment. Not trying to figure out what is gonna be later or what is „if“ something goes south.  

What are some challenges you have experienced?

At the beginning it was difficult to just let it go. Where to sleep, what to eat, what to do tomorrow

What has been your most meaningful moment so far?

I think our most meaningful moment were in the mountains of Mexico when we planned a 6 hour intermediate trip and we stuck there for 6 days with challenges and decisions that we never make before: like building our rig a bridge to pass and not roll over or climbing with 4 tons above rock formation without breaking a CV or hub. 

We never knew what would happen the next day after we shoveled 6 hours per day to make 2 kms- turned out the trail is an ancient Aztec road and hasn't been ridden for years.

The realization of „let is go“ „one step in a time“ without any bigger (mental) break downs pfff We emerged like a new powerful entity.

How has exploration changed you?

We became patient, calm and more relaxed. We are one to make decisions and take responsibility. 

What is the number one lesson that you have learnt through your exploration?

Let it go.

How do you explore locally?

Home is where we park it (: longer strolls or going to the gym.

What does the explmore mantra mean to you?

Being open minded.

What advice would you give to others who are seeking life changing adventure?

If you dream about it- just do it. If you are looking for excuses not to do there will be always a „I can’t I bought a new couch“ 

It takes time and preparation like losing weight or gaining muscle, building a rig or putting money on the side. We are made to live and not just sit in the warm mud complaining about life.

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Today's explorers

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Charles Forman
Charles is the founder and curator of explmore. He is also the proud son of Alec and Jan Forman, the authors of the book Strangers Like Angels - With a Devil or Two to Boot and the inspiration behind the creation of explmore. He has spent the majority of his life living outside his original passport country. Today, when he is not running the operations behind explmore you will find him hiking, camping and enjoying the outdoors (overlanding of course) with his family.