Alex and Buffy (House by the Stream)

Today's Explorers

An interview with

An interview with

Alex and Buffy (House by the Stream)

January 31, 2021
min read
Charles Forman

Where are you from?

Alex is from Plymouth and Buffy is from The Wirral

When did you start your interest in exploration?

Our entire life has had some element of exploring but together we started within the first few weeks of meeting, with a trip to Belgium, followed by many more through Asia and Europe. During this time we have also lived in New Zealand for a year.

What is a brief understanding of your background story up until you started seeking adventure?

Alex’s background in sports coaching has taken him across the world working in many countries. Massive passion is the mighty Plymouth Argyle alongside children’s exercise and health, which has helped me travel and work over my life. Alex met Buffy in London in 2014. Buffy grew up on The Wirral and while studying at Uni in London, she had a huge passion for rowing and rowed regularly with Vesta Row Club.

What special skills do you have to help with your explorations?

The passion for adventure has always been our driving force. Neither of us have specific adventure skills but we are both fast learners and we can navigate efficiently. We’ve spent enough time together and know how each other click, so teamwork has helped us in many adventures.

Where have you explored so far?

Most of Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Vietnam (South to North via public transport), Thailand, USA and now we have started exploring the Isle of Rum and the Small Isles in Scotland.

What is a brief understanding of your adventures so far?

All of our adventures include travelling and getting to know local communities. It’s been key for us on trips to help and involve ourselves in communities as much as possible. The world can always do with a little more kindness and our travels have helped us facilitate that. Alongside this is the culture, food and drink. Alex has a great interest in local food/craft beer and finding only the best locally run establishments whenever we head away somewhere new. Food and Drink certainly takes a bit part when planning a trip and where too.

What are the top three destinations you hope to explore next, and why?

  1. Scotland. We have just moved here and both haven’t spent a prolonged period of time. We hope to explore the Scottish islands and highlands more over the coming years.
  2. Alaska: The wilderness of Alaska is somewhere next on the list. The natural beauty is mind blowing and mostly untouched by humans.
  3. South West Coast: This walking path has been on our lips for the past few years and again is another feat we would like to conquer one day.

Where would you recommend others visit?

If it had to be anywhere it would be Iceland. The scenery is incredible and more wild than wild itself. For food it would have to be, Bologna (Italy) or Lisbon (Portugal) from our travels so far.

How do you primarily travel on your adventures today?

By foot.

What inspires you to explore more?

There is something within us both. It’s hard to pinpoint what it is but it is the same thing that pushed us to apply to live on the Isle of Rum and start a new life here. Eating food we have never eaten, meeting people we would never usually meet and being places that we have never been to is super exciting to us both.

How do you engage with others?

In terms of the local communities, the best way to do this is being open and friendly and remembering you are in their backyard, so respect is key.

Why is it important to embrace global cultures?

We can all learn so much from embracing others and sharing practice around the world. We have learnt so much about, not only other cultures, but ourselves through the adventures we have had.

What are your goals when you explore?

To eat. To drink. To go where your feet take you.

What are some challenges you have experienced?

The biggest challenge has to be us moving across the world with no jobs and without knowing others. Embracing communities and being open to new things keep us in good stead.

What has been your most meaningful moment so far?

We can’t pinpoint this. Travel keeps having an impact on you through the years and sometimes something that seems insignificant at the time, may come back and affect you later in life. In some way it’s all memorable due to us wanting more. It’s not all fun and good times, but it’s all memorable.

How has exploration changed you?

Sculpted us. We wouldn’t say it changed who we are, but it built us both into better more open people.

What is the number one lesson that you have learnt through your exploration?

People are friendly. There’s always a bad egg, but on the whole people are friendly wherever you go.

How do you explore locally?

Now on Rum, this will be all on foot and through the local community.

What does the explmore mantra mean to you?

It means getting others out adventuring and not missing out on opportunities when they arise. Inspiring others to take a step they may not have taken without the support.

What advice would you give to others who are seeking life changing adventure?

It’s a banded around saying but life is too short. You have to do these things whilst you can. Sometimes the scariest things on paper are the things that can change your life the most.

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Today's explorers

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